In the media
People love SaneBox and you will too!

Email is sane again… SaneBox turns your inbox back into the inbox it was meant to be by weeding out unimportant messages… it’s an Editors' Choice winner and a receives a rare five-star rating.

SaneBox cuts the pain of email noise by 50%, it's awesome!
— Francesco D'Alessio, Productivity App Expert
There’s no productivity vampire quite like dealing with email. Thankfully, SaneBox can handle most of the grunt work for you.
These 3 great AI tools can save you hours each dayWall Street Journal*
[SaneBox] works like a virtual Marie Kondo, scanning your email history for what you’ve interacted with, trashed or ignored. It then auto-organizes what you receive into folders based on how important it thinks they are.
Overwhelmed by Email? How AI Tools Can Get You to Inbox Zero
Besides making email inboxes and folders more manageable, SaneBox is intuitive and seamlessly integrates into your personal email routines. The platform’s menu is easy to get used to and saves users hours on email. Read more…

SaneBox has been one of the most important developments in Email since its inception. It’s undoubtedly one of the best productivity tools I’ve ever used. Read more…
We can’t all live in the magical land of Inbox Zero [...] but a new feature from SaneBox might bring us a bit closer. Read more…

This Is By Far The Easiest Way To Fix Email Overload. Read more…

SaneBox is amazing and worth every penny it costs. Read more…

I’ve been using SaneBox for more than two months now and can’t imagine going without it. Read more…
5 Services to Boost Email Productivity. Read more…
Wrangling email: How I keep my inbox under control. Read more…
Quite honestly I think you’ll fall in love with email again. Read more…
How to Lighten the Crush of E-Mail. Read more…
The folks at SaneBox have created a technical solution that sorts the urgent from the unimportant and keeps time-critical messages at the top of your inbox. Read more…
SaneBox estimates that it saves users at least two hours of wasted time a week. Read more…
Looking for an easy way to organize the e-mails in your overflowing inbox? SaneBox uses an algorithm to determine which messages are important and which ones can be saved for later. Read more…

SaneBox has really helped control my inbox and risen to Mike Arrington’s challenge. Read more…

Your inbox is tamed, and with its new Dropbox support, it will be a lot leaner too. Read more…
Salespeople can now filter their inbox according to income potential.
…it will help you sort through your email more easily, quickly and with less stress. Read more…
There are so many things I love about this service and it is currently my favorite time-saving app. Read more…
SaneBox’s smart algorithm filters emails into two categories – those that need your attention and message that aren’t pressing. Read more…
The results are so good that users have been happy to pay for the service, a rarity in today’s online world.
A Marketer's Worst Nightmare: The Black Hole. Read more…
I spend less time on cleanup duty and more time getting real work done. Read more…
Email doesn't have to suck Read more…
SaneBox does a great and helpful job separating the emails you need to see now from those you can consume at leisure.
SaneBox works with most email services… so you can keep your current email address and software.
What I like most about Sanebox is that it’s just dead simple. You connect your account and it starts working. Read more…
SaneBox that will automatically filter unimportant e-mail and send a daily e-mail summarizing it. Read more…
SaneBox syncs with your calendar, so your reminders show up as appointments. That’s awesome. Read more…
SaneBox is like Google's Priority Inbox on steroids. Read more…
SaneBox has appealing extras. One example: It double-checks your spam filter. If it spots a message that looks legitimate, it plops the e-mail into a "not-spam" folder. Read more…
Imagine all the important business decisions you could make in the time that it takes to manage an unwieldy inbox...Enter SaneBox. Read more…

This new feature is faster and more reliable than any other way I’ve tried to solve this problem in the past and makes me look like Johnny-on-the-spot to my clients. Read more…

SaneBox filters your emails so that you lose the clutter but keep the stuff you want—and best of all it learns your preferences over time! Read more…
Most of our technology woes come from a perpetually flooded inbox. To avoid drowning in email, try tools like SaneBox Read more…

SaneBox is like automated triage for your email. It stands sentry at your inbox and prioritizes messages as they arrive. Read more…
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